Those of you who know me know that I talk. A lot. What is vocalized, though, is a fraction of what is bouncing around in my head. In fact, it is hard for me to turn my mind off. There is a constant soundtrack of thoughts, ideas, music, memories, unsolved problems and more always playing in the back of my mind. A persistent beat, if you will.
I have combined my loves for expressing myself and music to create Persistent Beat. Each post will take its title from a song in my collection. Sometimes the post will follow the songwriter's intent; other times the connection will begin and end with the title alone. Each time, however, I will provide the artist and a link to the song in iTunes. Give it a listen and maybe buy the song. Perhaps we can expand your taste in music along with your mind.

John Selzer
Just a guy with a few thoughts and opinions
John is the founder of Septariate, a company launched in 2014 to pursue entrepreneurial ventures. He has a diverse professional background, rich in accelerating roles in finance, strategy and operations at some of the world's largest companies as well as at early-stage startups.
John holds a Bachelor of Arts in Managerial Economics from Hampden-Sydney College and an MBA from the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University.